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Monday, December 3, 2012

The Holidays Are Coming!

It is December and it is time for us to put the Christmas and New Years countdown gadgets back on our website. Each day you visit us, you will see two countdowns. You can check back to see how many more days until Christmas Eve and New Years.

Since Christmas is coming, we wanted to help you choose what to get for Christmas so we put together a webpage called Kidz World Community Toy Reviews. You will be able to read reviews of toys in the Toy Review page. Just click the green link above to enter the webpage.

Happy Holidays!

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Kidz World Community Meets Last Pawn Standing

It has been a while since we last posted because we have been working on a new site called Last Pawn Standing! Last Pawn Standing is a board game series where you can eliminate your opponents to win the game! We have finally opened the website to the public and we would like you to try it out. Just click on the link above and choose the board games you want to make.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Marshal C. Officer

Marshal C. Officer's portrait
Long ago in Early Kidz Community Town, Marshal C. Officer was elected to be Kidz World Community's new marshal leader.  Marshal C. Officer was the best at catching crooks with his horse, Marshal. He helped build the marshal station which became the Kidz World Community Police Station. He later changed his name to Smiley C. Officer and gave his role to his son, Smiley Blue Cop who is now in charge of the Kidz World Community Police Station. Smiley C. Officer now lives in the Northern Kidz World Community Wilderness and helps build more police stations across Kidz World Community. He sometimes goes to visit Smiley Blue Cop to see how he is doing and also goes on missions to catch criminals with Smiley Blue Cop.

Marshal C. Officer catching a criminal with his horse, Marshal

The early marshal station

Monday, July 23, 2012

Smiley News Clown Arrives

The Kidz World Community Team finished designing a new look for Smiley Clown! Now Smiley Clown has a blue news reporter suit and a news reporter cap. Here is a picture of Smiley Clown:
Smiley Clown's new look

 If you want to see more pictures of Smiley Clown click here.

What do you think of the new look? Comment your answers below.

Sincerely Kidz World Community.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ultra Red Doctor Arrives

We finished adding a new character to Kidz World Community! The character's name is Ultra Red Doctor. He is in charge of running the Kidz World Community Hospital. He is the 19th character on the Characters page!  Go to the Characters page to learn more about Ultra Red Doctor.

We are working on making a new look for Smiley Clown so Smiley Clown looks like a real news reporter! Smiley Clown is going to wear a news cap and a Kidz World Community News Press suit! The new look for Smiley Clown is coming soon to Kidz World Community!

We are also going to post pictures of Smiley C. Officer's (Smiley Blue Cop's father) early life in the early Kidz World Community so check back later for the pictures!

 Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

KWC Hospital Arrives

A few weeks ago, the construction team started building a new hospital for Kids Community Town. Today the construction team finished the KWC Hospital. Ultra Red Smile helped Ultra Blue Mechanic and the construction team build the hospital. Ultra Red Smile did most of the work is what Ultra Blue Mechanic said. A new character is coming soon to Kidz World Community and he will be in charge of the hospital. Click the red link above to learn more about the KWC Hospital.

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Smiley Bank Guy Arrives

We just added a new character to the character page! The new character is called Smiley Bank Guy! Smiley Bank Guy is the 18th character that works in the Kidz World Community Team! He is the owner of the Kidz World Community Bank and created the Kidz World Community currency, Kilos (K). If you want to read more about Smiley Bank Guy click on the green link above.

Have Fun!

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

New Paint Gadget Available

Written by Art Clown: Yesterday we finished adding a new art gadget onto the art page! The new gadget is called the Paint Gadget. With the Paint Gadget you can draw stuff on the website! You can draw shapes, use the spray, make text or use the brush to draw freehand in the colours you choose! You can even save your artwork and email it to the Kidz World Community Team! Here is a drawing I made yesterday while testing the Paint Gadget.
A picture of a rose standing by the sun.

If you want to try the new Paint Gadget click the green link above the picture or go to the art page to find the link!

Have Fun!

Sincerely Art Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

New Map Finished

The Kidz World Community Construction Team has finished the new construction project and when you view the map page, you will see that the map has more roads, rivers and buildings! We have added a new building to the creations page. The building is Smiley C. Officer's house! It is a house built in the Northern Kidz World Community Forests by Smiley C. Officer. If you want to see Smiley C. Officer's house click on the link above. If you want to see the new map click the map link on the sidebar.

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Arrives

It is now summer and we have added a new picture to the art page to start the new season! Here is the picture below.
Click on the picture to make it bigger.

The picture is also on the art page with other Kidz World Community themed pictures! Just click the art link above and then click on the Kidz World Community Classics link to see all the Kidz World Community themed pictures. Right now we have 6 Kidz World Community themed pictures. Which themed picture is your favourite?

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

KWC Bank Arrives

The Kidz World Community Construction Team just finished building a new building which is called the KWC Bank! You can view the new building on the creations page. We are soon going to add a new character onto the Kidz World Community Character page. The new character is going to be the owner of the bank. Most places in Kidz World Community uses K (kilos) as their currency. The KWC Bank uses K. Here is a picture of the new KWC Bank.

We will add more buildings soon to Kidz World Community!
 Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Clock Tower Finished

A few days ago someone found the missing clock parts box on one of the wallpaper pages so the Kidz World Community construction workers were able to finish the clock tower! Now the clock tower is open to the public! Here is a picture of the clock tower.

You can see the new clock tower on the creations page by clicking here! The Kidz World Community Construction Team hasn't finished their whole town project yet! They are still going to build a few new buildings and build new roads! Check back later for new buildings in Kidz World Community!

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Missing Clock Parts

Today when the Kidz World Community construction workers were going to work on the clock tower they noticed that the clock part box has disappeared! The Kidz World Community Police Agency are looking for clues on where the box is. If you have seen the clock parts box somewhere on this website please tell the Kidz World Community Police Agency! The clock box should look like this:

Sincerely Smiley ClownSmiley Blue Cop and the Kidz World Community Team.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Police Site Arrives

2 weeks ago we started on making a police website for the Kidz World Community Police Agency! We just released the new police website for the public! You can click on the special page link on the sidebar to access the new police website. On the homepage of the website you see a large portrait of all the top officers of Kidz World Community! On the sidebars there are pictures of each police officer that are linked to their character page! That means if you want to learn more about each police officer you can click on their photo! There is a mission activity page (available to police officers only), a police badge page and a tools page. There is also a special surprise somewhere in the website for people to find! There is only 2 days left until the construction team opens the clock part box!

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Clock Tower Almost Finished

It looks like the construction workers are almost finished building the clock tower! They just have to build the clock on the tower and add the roof! Here is a picture of what the clock tower looks like now.

If you look closely at the clock part box you will see that it says "do not open until 6/9/12." If you look at the grey sign it will say "workers on break." This must means that the workers will start to build the clock this Saturday! Check back this Saturday for more updates on the clock tower!

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Construction Continues

The Kidz World Community Construction Team are continuing to work on the new clock tower. Ultra Blue Smile will speak with us about the new clock tower project for the first time!

Written by Ultra Blue Smile: Hello everyone, last week we started a new construction project in Kids Community Town! We started to build a new clock tower for Kidz World Community. We still have to finish building the supports and walls for the third level, build the elevator inside the building, build the clock on the building, add the roof, build two balconies and paint the tower. Below is a picture of the blueprint I drew for the clock tower.

Below is a picture of how the clock tower looks like right now.

We are also going to build more roads to Kids Community Town and we are going to build a bank for Kids Community Town! Check back in a few days for more updates on the construction project.

Sincerely Smiley ClownUltra Blue Mechanic and the Kidz World Community Team.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kidz World Community Construction

 A new character has moved in to Kidz World Community. His name is Smiley Paperboy! Smiley Paperboy is the youngest person in the Kidz World Community Team and works to deliver the Kidz World Community newspapers.

Also in Kids Community Town there are many construction workers that are working to build a new clock tower that has an analog clock on two of the sides and a digital clock on the other sides. Ultra Blue Mechanic is leading this new construction project. The construction team is also going to add new roads and bridges to Kids Community Town. Below is the picture of the construction of the clock tower in the first week.

It looks like they are adding the supports for the second level of the clock tower. Next week we will check back on how the construction team in doing on the clock tower. We will later announce the clock tower on the creations page and the clock tower will appear on the map.

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

SWC Galaxy Mail Ship Arrives

We finished posting a new creation onto the creations page! The creation is called the SWC Galaxy Mail Ship. The SWC Galaxy Mail Ship is a high speed ship that transports mail around the Space World Community Galaxy! You can click the blue link above to see the SWC Galaxy Mail Ship on the creations page. For the third time we will have Smiley Blue Cop talk to you about the new upcoming  police website.

Written by Smiley Blue Cop: We have been working on the new police website even more! We have put a special surprise somewhere in the website for curious people to find. Here is a sneak preview of the new police website.

 It looks like there are going to be all the team member's photos on the side of the screen and a large portrait on the middle of the screen.

Sincerely Smiley ClownSmiley Blue Cop and the Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Agent Crossbow Arrives

We finished adding a new character to the characters page in Kidz World Community. The new character's name is Agent Crossbow! Agent Crossbow works for the Kidz World Community Police Agency. He grew up in the Northern Kidz World Community Wilderness. Agent Crossbow is the tallest police officer. If you want to read more about him click on the green link above. Smiley Blue Cop is with us again to talk to you about the upcoming police website below!

Written by Smiley Blue Cop: It isn't long until we release the new Kidz World Community Police website. It is now confirmed that we are going to have a page with all the unique police badges! We are also going to have a page with all the different police tools! We have updated the Kidz World Community Police portrait by adding Agent Crossbow in the picture. The police portrait will be on the homepage of the new police website. We are hoping to release the new police website around June 10th! Welcome to the team Agent Crossbow!

Sincerely Smiley ClownSmiley Blue Cop and the Kidz World Community Team.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Mail Ship Coming Soon

We are soon going to post a new creation onto the creations page of Kidz World Community! The new creation is a spaceship that can transport mail around different planets and moons in the Space World Community Galaxy! It will make mailing letters to aliens a lot easier! The new spaceship will be coming to Planet Kidz World Community soon so check back later. In this news issue for the first time Smiley Blue Cop will write about something he and his team of police officers have been working on below!

Written by Smiley Blue Cop: Hello Kidz World Communitians, me and the rest of the Kidz World Community Police Agency have been working on a new Kidz World Community Police Agency website which will have all the team member's pictures displayed on each sidebar (including mine), a special activity page where you can do special police missions and more! We might even put a page showing all the police officer badges and ranks! We are hoping to release the new website in early June! Check back soon to Kidz World Community to access the new police website!

Sincerely Smiley ClownSmiley Blue Cop and the Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Smiley C. Officer Arrives

A new character has just arrived to Kidz World Community! The character's name is Smiley C. Officer. He is Smiley Blue Cop's father and was the one who made the Kidz World Community Police Agency! If you want to read more about him you can click the coloured link above. We are soon going to post a picture of the police team onto Kidz World Community! The picture will have all 5 police officers including Smiley C. Officer!

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Police Robot Arrives

We just finished adding a new character to Kidz World Community! The character's name is Smiley Police Bot! Smiley Police Bot is a talking robot that works in the Kidz World Community Police Agency. We have also added a new vehicle to Kidz World Community Creations. The vehicle is called the KWC Mobile Police Truck! The KWC Mobile Police Truck is used for long police chases and is driven by Smiley Police Bot!

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Space World Community Arrives

We finally finished our Space World Community website and released it onto Kidz World Community! You can easily access the Space World Community website by going to the story pages section of the Kidz World Community Story page or by clicking here. On the Space World Community website we have added 5 mini pages. The first mini page is the story (home) page. We are planning to make a book on the Space World Community story. We are going to include information about the book on the story page. The next page is the introduction page where you can see what the story is about. The third mini page is the Space World Community characters page where it will tell you how to look for the characters that appear on the story. The fourth mini page is the Space World Community map which shows the map of the Space World Community Galaxy. Linked to the map page is an info page that tells you about the moon that takes place in the story. We may publish more Space World Community mini pages onto the Space World Community website. We have also added The Blue House onto the Kidz World Community Map page.

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

New Police Stuff Arrived!

We finished posting the new police stuff that we promised a few days ago! On the characters page we added a new character named Ultra Air Cop. Ultra Air Cop is third in command of the Kidz World Community Police Agency and the best police pilot. We have added 2 new creations onto the creations page. The first creation is the Smiley Police Car. The Smiley Police Car is a police car driven by Smiley Blue Cop and Agent Blue Smile. The next creation is the KWC Police Jet. The KWC Police Jet is piloted by Ultra Air Cop. We have also made a new police puzzle to celebrate the upgraded police agency. On the puzzle you will have to find out which police officer can run the fastest. You'll need to look closely and carefully where the lines lead to. The police officer with the line that leads to the checkered flag can run the fastest! We are putting the police puzzle on the activities page but you can also view it below.

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Friday, April 13, 2012

New Police Stuff Coming Soon!

A new Kidz World Community character is coming soon! The new character is third in command of the Kidz World Community Police Team. He is going to be the police pilot that pilots a new police vehicle! There is also going to be 2 new police vehicles coming to Kidz World Community! We will release the new police stuff soon!

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

New Place Arrived

We just finished adding our 7th place onto Kidz World Community places. The place is called the Blue House. The Blue House is Ultra Blue Mechanic's home. Here is a quick picture of the Blue House:

If you want to read more about the Blue House or the other Kidz World Community places you can click on the blue link above. We will add the house to the Kidz World Community map soon.

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

2 Years of Fun!

This is a special news issue in Kidz World Community because Kidz World Community turning 2 years old this April! We have put a happy 2nd anniversary Kidz World Community sign on the homepage right above the news! The Kidz World Community Team are celebrating with a cake that says Kidz World Community on it! This is also the 50th news post in Kidz World Community! On January 1, 2010 I posted the 25th news post in Kidz World Community! We were able to publish 25 more posts in only 3 months! Here is the 50th news post below:

Here are some fun facts about Kidz World Community:
  •  5 different continents have visited Kidz World Community.
  • Kidz World Community has over 40 webpages.
  • The first news post was made in October 17, 2010.
  • The Kidz World Community homepage started out with a white background but it was later changed to a darker background so that the colours could stand out.
  • The oldest post still available today is on the art page.

A few days ago we made a new page called the Other Characters page! On that page you can view the characters that don't appear much in Kidz World Community! We have so far added 2 characters onto the  new page! You can find the new page link at the character page.

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kidz World Community Signatures

The Kidz World Community Team has decided to make signatures at the bottom of each post that they make so you know who has made that post. Here are the Kidz World Community Team's signatures:

Smiley Clown
Art Clown
Smiley Claus
Smiley Blue Cop
Agent Blue Smile
Helper Clown
Smiley Photographer
Ultra Blue Mechanic
Smiley Machine
Ultra Red Smile
Super Story Clown
Smiley Transporter

 Every Member of the Kidz World Community Team has their own signature. Some members are harder to find than others.

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New Map Arrives

The new Kidz World Community map has arrived! Click on the green link on the sidebar to access the map page. We have added a dark blue background to display the map on. If you look closely you can spot the Kidz World Community character's homes. You can even spot the house that I live in. Just look for a yellow house with a red roof. If you look at the bottom right of the map then you will see the rocket station that will be used for the Space World Community story! At the rocket station there is a large garage used to keep extra rockets that will be used later on. At the bottom of the map page we have put the Kidz World Community places so you can identify the places on the map. We haven't taken the places from the creations page off we just made a copy onto the maps page. Later on the town on the map will grow because of the new people that comes to Kidz World Community!

 Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

12th Character Arrives

A new character has been added to Kidz World Community Characters. The character's name is Smiley Transporter. He is in charge of making new links for new Kidz World Community pages and making sure that all links are supposed to bring you to the correct place. This is the 12th character in Kidz World Community!  We have also put a list of the 3 most popular characters on our character page and we put a character search box so you can find the characters you're looking for. Near April 1st we will release the new map that is coming to Kidz World Community! We have already created a new page for the map to be in. Smiley Transporter is going to link the new map page onto the homepage of Kidz World Community.

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Map Coming Soon

There will be a new Kidz World Community map coming soon. The places that we posted onto the creations page will be on the map. The map is going to be on the Kids Community Town which is the place that the Kidz World Community Team lives in. Here is a sneak peek of the map:

The map will be coming either at the end of March or early April.

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rainbow Hunting

It is almost St. Patrick's day and the Kidz World Community Team just came back from rainbow hunting. Smiley Photographer managed to spot a rainbow after 2 hours of searching. Here is a picture of the rainbow that Smiley Photographer found.

The Kidz World Community Team was not able to reach the other side of the rainbow because it disappeared before we even got there.

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Another new character is coming to Kidz World Community. He will appear in the Space World Community story. His name is Asteroid Cobalt. He is only 3.5 feet (105 cm) tall! Asteroid Cobalt is one of the smallest living Cobalt Citizens in the moon Cobalt World Community! Part of his mask is made out of cobalt. Here is a picture of Asteroid Cobalt:

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Cobalt Express Arives!

A new creation has just arrived onto Kidz World Community! The creation is called the Cobalt Express. The Cobalt Express is a fast and powerful rocket used by a special new character that is coming to the Space World Community story! The rocket has a total of 7 powerful thrusters that allow the rocket to move in 6 directions! The new character that will pilot the rocket will be shown soon. Here is a hint, you might of seen the picture of the character in a previous news post. Just look through the news archives.

Have Fun!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Super Story Clown Arrives

It is Leap Day today and a new character has arrived! The new character's name is Super Story Clown! She is in charge of the story page on Kidz World Community! We are also planning to make a new feature called the Character Poll Olympics! We aren't 100% sure that we are going to post that yet. If we do post that then you will be able to vote for your favourite Kidz World Community Character!

Happy Leap Day!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Creation Update

We just finished adding the new places onto the creations page on Kidz World Community! There you can see buildings and houses of different Kidz World Community characters! We made a new mini page for the places on the creations page. We have also added creation uploading instructions for you to upload your own creations onto Kidz World Community. Just follow all the steps and your creation will be published onto the creations page!

Have Fun!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

KWC Spacesuit Arrives!

There is a new creation on the creations page. The new creation is made by Ultra Blue Mechanic. The creation is called the KWC Spacesuit which is going to be used in the Space World Community story! It will be used by all of the members of the Kidz World Community Team that have joined the Space World Community Team. Ultra Blue Mechanic has painted each spacesuit for the Kidz World Community Team members. Here is a picture of the spacesuit I'm going to use for the mission:


My spacesuit has red, blue, yellow, black and purple colours! Different Members of the Kidz World Community Team will have different coloured spacesuits.

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ultra Red Smile Arrives

A new character has arrived to Kidz World Community! The new character's name is Ultra Red Smile! Ultra Red Smile is Ultra Blue Mechanic's cousin and is in charge of the polls page on Kidz World Community! You can read more about Ultra Red Smile by clicking on the green link that says characters on the sidebar. Ultra Red Smile is one of the two characters that aren't appearing on the Space World Community story. There will be a few more characters coming to Kidz World Community in February or March. We have also hit the 2011 news post mark of 15 posts. 15 posts were posted in 2011! In a bit more than 2 months we were able to post 15 news posts which is the same amount of news post we posted last year!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Monday, February 6, 2012

New Character and Activity

Another new character has been added onto Kidz World Community characters. This new character is a robot named Smiley Machine! Smiley Machine was invented and built by Ultra Blue Mechanic! He is also the highest jumper in Kidz World Community! We have put a new colouring page onto Kidz World Community Activities. The new colouring page that we put onto the activities page is a part of the new Space World Community story that we are making. We also put a new background onto the activities page!

Have Fun!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February News

A new character has just arrived in the Kidz World Community Characters! His name is Ultra Blue Mechanic! He is in charge of the creations page on Kidz World Community. He is also Kidz World Community's top inventor! You can read more about him by clicking on the green link that says characters on the sidebar. There will be more characters coming later in February. We are almost finished making the Space World Community story! Once we finish the Space World Community Story we will open the new Space World Community website! Also we are going to release the new Kidz World Community places later in February.

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Kidz World Community Places

Coming soon we will post new places onto the creations page! The places will include houses and buildings. Here is a sneak preview of one of the new places coming to Kidz World Community:

It looks like there is a roof with a chimney. We will post the new places onto Kidz World Community after we upload the new characters that are coming in early February.

Sincerely Kidz World Community.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

New Creation Arrives

We finished posting our first creation onto the Kidz World Community Creations page. Our new creation is made by Agent Blue Smile. The name of the creation is the Spy Recorder Device! With that device, Agent Blue Smile will be able to record messages without anyone else knowing! You will see drawings of the Spy Recorder Device on our creations page.

Have Fun!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fourth Character Arrives

This is our forth character of 2012 that we published onto Kidz World Community. The name of the new character is...

 Smiley Photographer is in charge of the photo page on Kidz World Community. In February there will be at least three new characters coming to Kidz World Community. One of the characters coming in February to Kidz World Community is going to be a robot!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Space World Community Character

There will be a new character coming to Kidz World Community that will be featured on the Space World Community 2012 story. Here is a picture of him:

It is unknown what his face looks like because he is wearing a space helmet that's hard to see through. We will release this character once we finish the Space World Community story.

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Third New Character Arrives

We finished posting our third new character of 2012 onto Kidz World Community.
This time the character is...

Helper Clown is in charge of helping people that get lost in Kidz World Community.
Next week (January 28) we will post our fourth and final new character of January onto Kidz World Community. In February we will still continue posting new characters. Most of the new characters will appear in the Space World Community story which will be coming later!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Space World Community Webpage

The Kidz World Community Team is already working on a new Space World Community webpage! We will release the new webpage soon so make sure to check back later on Kidz World Community. Here is a sneak peek on the new Space World Community webpage:

Note: We might change the Space World Community page's look before it gets published.

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.