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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kidz World Community Construction

 A new character has moved in to Kidz World Community. His name is Smiley Paperboy! Smiley Paperboy is the youngest person in the Kidz World Community Team and works to deliver the Kidz World Community newspapers.

Also in Kids Community Town there are many construction workers that are working to build a new clock tower that has an analog clock on two of the sides and a digital clock on the other sides. Ultra Blue Mechanic is leading this new construction project. The construction team is also going to add new roads and bridges to Kids Community Town. Below is the picture of the construction of the clock tower in the first week.

It looks like they are adding the supports for the second level of the clock tower. Next week we will check back on how the construction team in doing on the clock tower. We will later announce the clock tower on the creations page and the clock tower will appear on the map.

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

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