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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Agent Crossbow Arrives

We finished adding a new character to the characters page in Kidz World Community. The new character's name is Agent Crossbow! Agent Crossbow works for the Kidz World Community Police Agency. He grew up in the Northern Kidz World Community Wilderness. Agent Crossbow is the tallest police officer. If you want to read more about him click on the green link above. Smiley Blue Cop is with us again to talk to you about the upcoming police website below!

Written by Smiley Blue Cop: It isn't long until we release the new Kidz World Community Police website. It is now confirmed that we are going to have a page with all the unique police badges! We are also going to have a page with all the different police tools! We have updated the Kidz World Community Police portrait by adding Agent Crossbow in the picture. The police portrait will be on the homepage of the new police website. We are hoping to release the new police website around June 10th! Welcome to the team Agent Crossbow!

Sincerely Smiley ClownSmiley Blue Cop and the Kidz World Community Team.

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