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Sunday, April 15, 2012

New Police Stuff Arrived!

We finished posting the new police stuff that we promised a few days ago! On the characters page we added a new character named Ultra Air Cop. Ultra Air Cop is third in command of the Kidz World Community Police Agency and the best police pilot. We have added 2 new creations onto the creations page. The first creation is the Smiley Police Car. The Smiley Police Car is a police car driven by Smiley Blue Cop and Agent Blue Smile. The next creation is the KWC Police Jet. The KWC Police Jet is piloted by Ultra Air Cop. We have also made a new police puzzle to celebrate the upgraded police agency. On the puzzle you will have to find out which police officer can run the fastest. You'll need to look closely and carefully where the lines lead to. The police officer with the line that leads to the checkered flag can run the fastest! We are putting the police puzzle on the activities page but you can also view it below.

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

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