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Monday, February 13, 2012

Ultra Red Smile Arrives

A new character has arrived to Kidz World Community! The new character's name is Ultra Red Smile! Ultra Red Smile is Ultra Blue Mechanic's cousin and is in charge of the polls page on Kidz World Community! You can read more about Ultra Red Smile by clicking on the green link that says characters on the sidebar. Ultra Red Smile is one of the two characters that aren't appearing on the Space World Community story. There will be a few more characters coming to Kidz World Community in February or March. We have also hit the 2011 news post mark of 15 posts. 15 posts were posted in 2011! In a bit more than 2 months we were able to post 15 news posts which is the same amount of news post we posted last year!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

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