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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kidz World Community Construction

 A new character has moved in to Kidz World Community. His name is Smiley Paperboy! Smiley Paperboy is the youngest person in the Kidz World Community Team and works to deliver the Kidz World Community newspapers.

Also in Kids Community Town there are many construction workers that are working to build a new clock tower that has an analog clock on two of the sides and a digital clock on the other sides. Ultra Blue Mechanic is leading this new construction project. The construction team is also going to add new roads and bridges to Kids Community Town. Below is the picture of the construction of the clock tower in the first week.

It looks like they are adding the supports for the second level of the clock tower. Next week we will check back on how the construction team in doing on the clock tower. We will later announce the clock tower on the creations page and the clock tower will appear on the map.

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

SWC Galaxy Mail Ship Arrives

We finished posting a new creation onto the creations page! The creation is called the SWC Galaxy Mail Ship. The SWC Galaxy Mail Ship is a high speed ship that transports mail around the Space World Community Galaxy! You can click the blue link above to see the SWC Galaxy Mail Ship on the creations page. For the third time we will have Smiley Blue Cop talk to you about the new upcoming  police website.

Written by Smiley Blue Cop: We have been working on the new police website even more! We have put a special surprise somewhere in the website for curious people to find. Here is a sneak preview of the new police website.

 It looks like there are going to be all the team member's photos on the side of the screen and a large portrait on the middle of the screen.

Sincerely Smiley ClownSmiley Blue Cop and the Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Agent Crossbow Arrives

We finished adding a new character to the characters page in Kidz World Community. The new character's name is Agent Crossbow! Agent Crossbow works for the Kidz World Community Police Agency. He grew up in the Northern Kidz World Community Wilderness. Agent Crossbow is the tallest police officer. If you want to read more about him click on the green link above. Smiley Blue Cop is with us again to talk to you about the upcoming police website below!

Written by Smiley Blue Cop: It isn't long until we release the new Kidz World Community Police website. It is now confirmed that we are going to have a page with all the unique police badges! We are also going to have a page with all the different police tools! We have updated the Kidz World Community Police portrait by adding Agent Crossbow in the picture. The police portrait will be on the homepage of the new police website. We are hoping to release the new police website around June 10th! Welcome to the team Agent Crossbow!

Sincerely Smiley ClownSmiley Blue Cop and the Kidz World Community Team.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Mail Ship Coming Soon

We are soon going to post a new creation onto the creations page of Kidz World Community! The new creation is a spaceship that can transport mail around different planets and moons in the Space World Community Galaxy! It will make mailing letters to aliens a lot easier! The new spaceship will be coming to Planet Kidz World Community soon so check back later. In this news issue for the first time Smiley Blue Cop will write about something he and his team of police officers have been working on below!

Written by Smiley Blue Cop: Hello Kidz World Communitians, me and the rest of the Kidz World Community Police Agency have been working on a new Kidz World Community Police Agency website which will have all the team member's pictures displayed on each sidebar (including mine), a special activity page where you can do special police missions and more! We might even put a page showing all the police officer badges and ranks! We are hoping to release the new website in early June! Check back soon to Kidz World Community to access the new police website!

Sincerely Smiley ClownSmiley Blue Cop and the Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Smiley C. Officer Arrives

A new character has just arrived to Kidz World Community! The character's name is Smiley C. Officer. He is Smiley Blue Cop's father and was the one who made the Kidz World Community Police Agency! If you want to read more about him you can click the coloured link above. We are soon going to post a picture of the police team onto Kidz World Community! The picture will have all 5 police officers including Smiley C. Officer!

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Police Robot Arrives

We just finished adding a new character to Kidz World Community! The character's name is Smiley Police Bot! Smiley Police Bot is a talking robot that works in the Kidz World Community Police Agency. We have also added a new vehicle to Kidz World Community Creations. The vehicle is called the KWC Mobile Police Truck! The KWC Mobile Police Truck is used for long police chases and is driven by Smiley Police Bot!

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Space World Community Arrives

We finally finished our Space World Community website and released it onto Kidz World Community! You can easily access the Space World Community website by going to the story pages section of the Kidz World Community Story page or by clicking here. On the Space World Community website we have added 5 mini pages. The first mini page is the story (home) page. We are planning to make a book on the Space World Community story. We are going to include information about the book on the story page. The next page is the introduction page where you can see what the story is about. The third mini page is the Space World Community characters page where it will tell you how to look for the characters that appear on the story. The fourth mini page is the Space World Community map which shows the map of the Space World Community Galaxy. Linked to the map page is an info page that tells you about the moon that takes place in the story. We may publish more Space World Community mini pages onto the Space World Community website. We have also added The Blue House onto the Kidz World Community Map page.

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.