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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Super Story Clown Arrives

It is Leap Day today and a new character has arrived! The new character's name is Super Story Clown! She is in charge of the story page on Kidz World Community! We are also planning to make a new feature called the Character Poll Olympics! We aren't 100% sure that we are going to post that yet. If we do post that then you will be able to vote for your favourite Kidz World Community Character!

Happy Leap Day!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Creation Update

We just finished adding the new places onto the creations page on Kidz World Community! There you can see buildings and houses of different Kidz World Community characters! We made a new mini page for the places on the creations page. We have also added creation uploading instructions for you to upload your own creations onto Kidz World Community. Just follow all the steps and your creation will be published onto the creations page!

Have Fun!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

KWC Spacesuit Arrives!

There is a new creation on the creations page. The new creation is made by Ultra Blue Mechanic. The creation is called the KWC Spacesuit which is going to be used in the Space World Community story! It will be used by all of the members of the Kidz World Community Team that have joined the Space World Community Team. Ultra Blue Mechanic has painted each spacesuit for the Kidz World Community Team members. Here is a picture of the spacesuit I'm going to use for the mission:


My spacesuit has red, blue, yellow, black and purple colours! Different Members of the Kidz World Community Team will have different coloured spacesuits.

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ultra Red Smile Arrives

A new character has arrived to Kidz World Community! The new character's name is Ultra Red Smile! Ultra Red Smile is Ultra Blue Mechanic's cousin and is in charge of the polls page on Kidz World Community! You can read more about Ultra Red Smile by clicking on the green link that says characters on the sidebar. Ultra Red Smile is one of the two characters that aren't appearing on the Space World Community story. There will be a few more characters coming to Kidz World Community in February or March. We have also hit the 2011 news post mark of 15 posts. 15 posts were posted in 2011! In a bit more than 2 months we were able to post 15 news posts which is the same amount of news post we posted last year!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Monday, February 6, 2012

New Character and Activity

Another new character has been added onto Kidz World Community characters. This new character is a robot named Smiley Machine! Smiley Machine was invented and built by Ultra Blue Mechanic! He is also the highest jumper in Kidz World Community! We have put a new colouring page onto Kidz World Community Activities. The new colouring page that we put onto the activities page is a part of the new Space World Community story that we are making. We also put a new background onto the activities page!

Have Fun!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February News

A new character has just arrived in the Kidz World Community Characters! His name is Ultra Blue Mechanic! He is in charge of the creations page on Kidz World Community. He is also Kidz World Community's top inventor! You can read more about him by clicking on the green link that says characters on the sidebar. There will be more characters coming later in February. We are almost finished making the Space World Community story! Once we finish the Space World Community Story we will open the new Space World Community website! Also we are going to release the new Kidz World Community places later in February.

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.