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Saturday, June 30, 2012

New Paint Gadget Available

Written by Art Clown: Yesterday we finished adding a new art gadget onto the art page! The new gadget is called the Paint Gadget. With the Paint Gadget you can draw stuff on the website! You can draw shapes, use the spray, make text or use the brush to draw freehand in the colours you choose! You can even save your artwork and email it to the Kidz World Community Team! Here is a drawing I made yesterday while testing the Paint Gadget.
A picture of a rose standing by the sun.

If you want to try the new Paint Gadget click the green link above the picture or go to the art page to find the link!

Have Fun!

Sincerely Art Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

New Map Finished

The Kidz World Community Construction Team has finished the new construction project and when you view the map page, you will see that the map has more roads, rivers and buildings! We have added a new building to the creations page. The building is Smiley C. Officer's house! It is a house built in the Northern Kidz World Community Forests by Smiley C. Officer. If you want to see Smiley C. Officer's house click on the link above. If you want to see the new map click the map link on the sidebar.

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Arrives

It is now summer and we have added a new picture to the art page to start the new season! Here is the picture below.
Click on the picture to make it bigger.

The picture is also on the art page with other Kidz World Community themed pictures! Just click the art link above and then click on the Kidz World Community Classics link to see all the Kidz World Community themed pictures. Right now we have 6 Kidz World Community themed pictures. Which themed picture is your favourite?

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

KWC Bank Arrives

The Kidz World Community Construction Team just finished building a new building which is called the KWC Bank! You can view the new building on the creations page. We are soon going to add a new character onto the Kidz World Community Character page. The new character is going to be the owner of the bank. Most places in Kidz World Community uses K (kilos) as their currency. The KWC Bank uses K. Here is a picture of the new KWC Bank.

We will add more buildings soon to Kidz World Community!
 Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Clock Tower Finished

A few days ago someone found the missing clock parts box on one of the wallpaper pages so the Kidz World Community construction workers were able to finish the clock tower! Now the clock tower is open to the public! Here is a picture of the clock tower.

You can see the new clock tower on the creations page by clicking here! The Kidz World Community Construction Team hasn't finished their whole town project yet! They are still going to build a few new buildings and build new roads! Check back later for new buildings in Kidz World Community!

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Missing Clock Parts

Today when the Kidz World Community construction workers were going to work on the clock tower they noticed that the clock part box has disappeared! The Kidz World Community Police Agency are looking for clues on where the box is. If you have seen the clock parts box somewhere on this website please tell the Kidz World Community Police Agency! The clock box should look like this:

Sincerely Smiley ClownSmiley Blue Cop and the Kidz World Community Team.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Police Site Arrives

2 weeks ago we started on making a police website for the Kidz World Community Police Agency! We just released the new police website for the public! You can click on the special page link on the sidebar to access the new police website. On the homepage of the website you see a large portrait of all the top officers of Kidz World Community! On the sidebars there are pictures of each police officer that are linked to their character page! That means if you want to learn more about each police officer you can click on their photo! There is a mission activity page (available to police officers only), a police badge page and a tools page. There is also a special surprise somewhere in the website for people to find! There is only 2 days left until the construction team opens the clock part box!

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Clock Tower Almost Finished

It looks like the construction workers are almost finished building the clock tower! They just have to build the clock on the tower and add the roof! Here is a picture of what the clock tower looks like now.

If you look closely at the clock part box you will see that it says "do not open until 6/9/12." If you look at the grey sign it will say "workers on break." This must means that the workers will start to build the clock this Saturday! Check back this Saturday for more updates on the clock tower!

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Construction Continues

The Kidz World Community Construction Team are continuing to work on the new clock tower. Ultra Blue Smile will speak with us about the new clock tower project for the first time!

Written by Ultra Blue Smile: Hello everyone, last week we started a new construction project in Kids Community Town! We started to build a new clock tower for Kidz World Community. We still have to finish building the supports and walls for the third level, build the elevator inside the building, build the clock on the building, add the roof, build two balconies and paint the tower. Below is a picture of the blueprint I drew for the clock tower.

Below is a picture of how the clock tower looks like right now.

We are also going to build more roads to Kids Community Town and we are going to build a bank for Kids Community Town! Check back in a few days for more updates on the construction project.

Sincerely Smiley ClownUltra Blue Mechanic and the Kidz World Community Team.