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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kidz World Community Signatures

The Kidz World Community Team has decided to make signatures at the bottom of each post that they make so you know who has made that post. Here are the Kidz World Community Team's signatures:

Smiley Clown
Art Clown
Smiley Claus
Smiley Blue Cop
Agent Blue Smile
Helper Clown
Smiley Photographer
Ultra Blue Mechanic
Smiley Machine
Ultra Red Smile
Super Story Clown
Smiley Transporter

 Every Member of the Kidz World Community Team has their own signature. Some members are harder to find than others.

Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New Map Arrives

The new Kidz World Community map has arrived! Click on the green link on the sidebar to access the map page. We have added a dark blue background to display the map on. If you look closely you can spot the Kidz World Community character's homes. You can even spot the house that I live in. Just look for a yellow house with a red roof. If you look at the bottom right of the map then you will see the rocket station that will be used for the Space World Community story! At the rocket station there is a large garage used to keep extra rockets that will be used later on. At the bottom of the map page we have put the Kidz World Community places so you can identify the places on the map. We haven't taken the places from the creations page off we just made a copy onto the maps page. Later on the town on the map will grow because of the new people that comes to Kidz World Community!

 Sincerely Smiley Clown and the Kidz World Community Team.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

12th Character Arrives

A new character has been added to Kidz World Community Characters. The character's name is Smiley Transporter. He is in charge of making new links for new Kidz World Community pages and making sure that all links are supposed to bring you to the correct place. This is the 12th character in Kidz World Community!  We have also put a list of the 3 most popular characters on our character page and we put a character search box so you can find the characters you're looking for. Near April 1st we will release the new map that is coming to Kidz World Community! We have already created a new page for the map to be in. Smiley Transporter is going to link the new map page onto the homepage of Kidz World Community.

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Map Coming Soon

There will be a new Kidz World Community map coming soon. The places that we posted onto the creations page will be on the map. The map is going to be on the Kids Community Town which is the place that the Kidz World Community Team lives in. Here is a sneak peek of the map:

The map will be coming either at the end of March or early April.

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rainbow Hunting

It is almost St. Patrick's day and the Kidz World Community Team just came back from rainbow hunting. Smiley Photographer managed to spot a rainbow after 2 hours of searching. Here is a picture of the rainbow that Smiley Photographer found.

The Kidz World Community Team was not able to reach the other side of the rainbow because it disappeared before we even got there.

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Another new character is coming to Kidz World Community. He will appear in the Space World Community story. His name is Asteroid Cobalt. He is only 3.5 feet (105 cm) tall! Asteroid Cobalt is one of the smallest living Cobalt Citizens in the moon Cobalt World Community! Part of his mask is made out of cobalt. Here is a picture of Asteroid Cobalt:

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Cobalt Express Arives!

A new creation has just arrived onto Kidz World Community! The creation is called the Cobalt Express. The Cobalt Express is a fast and powerful rocket used by a special new character that is coming to the Space World Community story! The rocket has a total of 7 powerful thrusters that allow the rocket to move in 6 directions! The new character that will pilot the rocket will be shown soon. Here is a hint, you might of seen the picture of the character in a previous news post. Just look through the news archives.

Have Fun!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.