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Monday, January 30, 2012

Kidz World Community Places

Coming soon we will post new places onto the creations page! The places will include houses and buildings. Here is a sneak preview of one of the new places coming to Kidz World Community:

It looks like there is a roof with a chimney. We will post the new places onto Kidz World Community after we upload the new characters that are coming in early February.

Sincerely Kidz World Community.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

New Creation Arrives

We finished posting our first creation onto the Kidz World Community Creations page. Our new creation is made by Agent Blue Smile. The name of the creation is the Spy Recorder Device! With that device, Agent Blue Smile will be able to record messages without anyone else knowing! You will see drawings of the Spy Recorder Device on our creations page.

Have Fun!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fourth Character Arrives

This is our forth character of 2012 that we published onto Kidz World Community. The name of the new character is...

 Smiley Photographer is in charge of the photo page on Kidz World Community. In February there will be at least three new characters coming to Kidz World Community. One of the characters coming in February to Kidz World Community is going to be a robot!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Space World Community Character

There will be a new character coming to Kidz World Community that will be featured on the Space World Community 2012 story. Here is a picture of him:

It is unknown what his face looks like because he is wearing a space helmet that's hard to see through. We will release this character once we finish the Space World Community story.

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Third New Character Arrives

We finished posting our third new character of 2012 onto Kidz World Community.
This time the character is...

Helper Clown is in charge of helping people that get lost in Kidz World Community.
Next week (January 28) we will post our fourth and final new character of January onto Kidz World Community. In February we will still continue posting new characters. Most of the new characters will appear in the Space World Community story which will be coming later!

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Space World Community Webpage

The Kidz World Community Team is already working on a new Space World Community webpage! We will release the new webpage soon so make sure to check back later on Kidz World Community. Here is a sneak peek on the new Space World Community webpage:

Note: We might change the Space World Community page's look before it gets published.

Sincerely Kidz World Community Team.